
Hi I’m Kelly.

I’m married and I just so happen to love my husband.  Like a lot.  He’s quiet and witty.  And really, really cute.  We’ve been married over a decade and together we generated two incredibly adorable, sweet [wild] little boys.  They may get their ‘sweet’ from me but all the other stuff they inherit from their Daddy, especially the wild part.  😉

As for me, I’m an organize freak that craves simplicity.  I’m most content when all my little ducks are neatly in a row.  When life revs up and gets crazy busy- I get completely overwhelmed and seriously, seriously cranky.  :/

I love happy colors, snuggling, colorful pens, ruffles and Autumn.  I have an obsession with sushi and Dr Pepper.

This blog is primarily about my kids and our journey as a [relatively new] homeschooling family.  I’d like to say that you’ll see updates every weekday but realistically, I’ll probably get to pop in with posts about 3-4 times a week.  ‘Cause this is real life people and sometimes I get too busy living it to sit down and write about it.  😉

You’ll also hear me ramble on about my dream of adoption.  We’re in the [early] stages of international adoption and sometimes I cry just thinking about how slow this whole process is.

My optimal goal is to live the type of lifestyle that brings my Creator glory in every way possible.  And I love the lessons He teaches me along the way.

So come chat with me.  I’m glad you’re here.  🙂

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